What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Table of contents

From the book "The crown of life", written by Sant Kirpal Singh

Part one – The yogic patterns

I. Yoga: an introduction
Vritis: What they are
Soul and oversoul
Prakriti or matter
Relationship between the three bodies and five koshas
Division of creation according to the koshas

II. Yog Vidya and Yog Sadhna
The Path of yoga in theory and practice

1. The basis of ancient yoga
Origin and technique of the yoga system
Fundamental concepts

2. The path and the branches of asthang yoga
1.-2. Yamas and Niyamas
3. Asanas
Asana as a form of yoga
Advantages of asanas
Perfection in asanas
4. Pranayam or yogic breathing
Plexuses and chakras
Pranayam: Elementary exercises
Suhk Purvak Pranayam
Pranayam as a form of yoga
Pranic discipline
Advantages of Prana Yoga
5. Pratyahara or sense control
6. Dharna or Samyam
Dharna as a form of yoga
7. Dhyan or contemplation
Dhyan as a system of yoga
Advantages of Dhyan yoga
8. Samadhi
Samadhi yoga

3. Ashtang yoga and modern man

III. The forms of yoga
1. Mantra yoga or the yoga of utterance technique in mantra yoga
2. Hatha yoga
3. Laya yoga
4. Raja yoga
5. Jnana yoga or the yoga of knowledge
6. Bhakti yoga or the yoga of devotion
7. Karma yoga or the yoga of action
8. Other yogas mentioned in the Gita

Yoga of meditation
Yoga of spiritual experience
Yoga of mysticism
9. Yoga in the Zoroastrian scriptures
10. Yoga and the outer sciences

IV. Advaitism
Self – the basis of conscious life
The nature of creation
The Self or atman
The nature of self
Individual knowledge and consciousness
Knowledge and its sources
The nature of Brahman


Part two – the study of Surat Shabd Yoga

V. Surat Shabd Yoga
The yoga of the celestial sound current
The sound current
The cornerstones
A perfect science
The master

VI. The essence of religions
1. Ancient religious thought
Indian, Chinese and Iranian
2. Christianity
3. Islam
4. Sikhism

VII. Some modern movements
Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and "I am" activity
Christian Science and Subud
Spiritism and spiritualism
Hypnosis and mesmerism

VIII. Conclusion
Some Yamas and Niyamas
Hatha Yoga foods
Chakras or plexuses

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