The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh's Death Anniversary – 21 August

Kirpal-Singh-1974We are all lovers and devotees of a higher Power, called by so many names and these are given by us for God, as I explained to you yesterday. So thousands of lovers there are, but the Beloved is one for all. Is it not? Christians have got another God to love and others have got another? No! There is only one God.

He whom we desire is the Beloved of the whole world and the one God of all men. Not special God He is for one religion or the other, not monopoly of any sect, religion or the other, He is for all. And we are of the same essence as that of God, and we have to unite with Him.

Ever since we have been separated, we have forgotten Him, truly speaking. Because we are under the great delusion, as I explained to you yesterday. So, God is one for all men, for all creation, and all the devotees have the desire to meet that very same one God, is it not?

Those who really need – desire Him are truly speaking His true relatives. So those who love God, they are all joined in true relation to God, is it not? And that person who tells us about Him, about God, I mean, truly he is our brother and our friend.

So He joins us in such a relation with God, He unites us with God and joins us in such a relation which cannot be broken in this world and the world thereafter.

Sant Kirpal Singh, Vancouver, 10 November 1972

Read more:
Forever with Him" – on the following pages, Dr Harbhajan Singh describes the painful time till the physical departure of Sant Kirpal Singh on 21 August 1974.
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