God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

His Mission

Sant Kirpal Singh brought a big spiritual awakening and He wished, that this gift of God should be made available for the whole humanity, "so that it may reach the lonest corner of the world" (see circular letter "On the Unity of Man").

Our new website [kirpalsingh-mission.org] is about the Mission of Sant Kirpal Singh – Unity of Man.

Our new website [kirpalsingh-mission.org]

This site is a resource for all seekers of the Truth and lovers of God, for those who want to attain the purpose of human life, and also help others to do the same – since we all are children of God, our true Father.

New pages will be added from time to time to incorporate more treasures from Sant Kirpal Singh, as well as His true disciples – Dr Harbhajan Singh (Bhaji) and Biji Surinder Kaur. They explained His teaching and competency in great detail, and did their utmost in flourishing His Mission – Unity of Man.

God resides in every heart, and He hears the cries of those who yearn for God, and then He provides ways and means to the soul to come in contact with the place where the Mission of God is already going on.

Main points:
His Mission
His Competency



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