The human body is a holy book of God. Study it! Search it! Those who rose above the plane of senses and realized themselves, they realized God. This is the highest ideal of all.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh - The Lion of Mercy

6 February – Birth Anniversary

What remedy can there be for the heart which is aching to have a glimpse of the Master? Nothing else – no words, no consolation will help. This is a prayer from the disciple to the Master: "Don't forget us!" And usually you'll find, as a matter of fact, that the Master himself never forgets. But the disciple cries, "I have only one heart and that You have now taken possession of; what am I to do? I can think of no one than You Yourself." - Sant Kirpal Singh

Scenes of Sant Kirpal Singh in India – early years. Time frame around 1950 – beginning of Sawan Ashram


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