The Masters are not the monopoly of anyone, they come for everyone, not for one group of humanity or another. They give a knowledge which is beyond the senses, which is an ocean of intoxication – a mighty effulgence of bliss.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas Message 1954

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, December 9, 1954

Dear Ones,

Another precious year of our life has passed out. Some of us have traveled more, others less on the way to our cherished Home.

Soul is an indweller of the body for a short period only. Soul's stay in the body may be compared to a traveler who stays in an inn for the night and leaves it with dawn of the day and goes on his way ahead. Why is man so much attached to it and its sensuous enjoyments? The body is not its permanent abode; it is only transitory. We have to make the best use of it. It is the temple in which soul and God reside. We have to keep it holy and not pollute it with sins connected with the five passions, viz., lust, anger, covetousness, attachment and egoism.

God is Love, our soul is also Love, and the way back to God can be achieved through Love. Men are in the clutches of perverted love. If it is developed in the right direction, under the guidance of a living Master, way back is ensured by listening to the rapturous strains of the Word reverberating in all creation.

There is hope for each one of us. I wish a delightful Christmas and a happy New Year: may it bring you new hopes and renewed vigour to traverse the way before you. Let us have sincere devotion and implicit faith in the Master Power overhead extending all feasible help to enable us to stand on our own legs. My heart goes out in love to all of you.



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