What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Scene iz života Sant Kirpal Singha

Sant Kirpal Singh bio je pravi primjer služenja drugim ljudima.
Njegov moto bio je "Budi dobar - čini dobro - budi jedno", što znači da čovjek nije stvoren da živi samo za sebe, nego i za druge. Njegov život stoga nije služio samo kao inspiracija njegovim učenicima, već i budućim generacijama.

Ovdje možete pronaći izbor slika koje prikazuju život i rad Sant Kirpal Singha - njegovu mladost, vrijeme kad je bio učenik Baba Sawana Singha, kao i najvažnije aktivnosti u razdoblju od 1948. do 1974., uključujući i tri velika putovanja na Zapad.


The object of the Conference on Unity of Man is to propagate the idea of unity of man – that all mankind is one, all are born in the same way, their outer and inner construction is the same and all are endowed with the same privileges from God. No high, no low – all are equal. We are drops of the ocean of all-consciousness which is God. So we are all brothers and sisters in God.

Sant Kirpal Singh

The World Con­fer­ence on Uni­ty of ­Man com­menced on 3 Feb­ru­ary, 1974 un­der ­the spon­sor­ship of ­Sant Kir­pal ­Singh and end­ed on 6 Feb­ru­ary, 1974.

People from nearly thirty countries, religious, political and social leaders from all over India and some hundred delegates from all over the world participated in the Conference.


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