We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

Scences from the life of Sant Kirpal Singh - Gallery

Sant Kirpal Singh’s life of selfless service was a shining inspiration for others to follow.

In keeping with His motto "Be good – do good – be one", he exemplified that being human means not only living for yourself, but serving others. His life not only inspired His disciples, it is also an example for future generations.

In this section you will find a selection of pictures demonstrating the life and work of Sant Kirpal Singh – His early years, the time of discipleship at the feet of His Master Baba Sawan Singh and the main activities during His tenure from 1948 till 1974 including His three world tours.


This present tour has been taken as the extension of what my Master wanted of me. He impressed on me to have a common ground for all men, irrespective of whether they belonged to one religion or the other. They are all the same as man, and further, they are embodied souls. He wanted me to have a common ground for all, where men belonging to all religions, of the East or West, could sit together on the same earth and under the same canopy of heaven. So it is with His Grace that this present renovation, you might say, or revival of the old, old truths taught by all past Rishis and Masters is being given out.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh left India for His second world tour on 8 June, 1963 and arrived at Frankfurt, Germany, where His European tour started. He visited Austria from 14 - 22 July and stayed in Greece from 22 July - 1 August. From 1 - 6 August, Sant Kirpal Singh stayed in Italy, 6 - 13 August, in France and from 13 - 25 July, in Great Britain. After His stay in Ireland from 25 - 31 August, Sant Kirpal Singh visited the United States from 1 September, 1963 - 29 January 1964. On 29 January, 1964, Sant Kirpal Singh left New York. After a short stop in Germany He departed for India on 30 January, 1964.


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