What help us to know ourselves what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect is a practical subject. This is truly called spirituality.
Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas and New Year Message 1965

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, December 9, 1965

Dear brothers and sisters.

On this auspicious Christmas Day and happy advent of the New Year, I send you, one and all, my kindest thoughts and best wishes.

God is love and it is by love alone that we can reach Him. Out of the heart springeth love and in love is the secret of all life. I would like you to dedicate in all humility your life to the loving service of the humanity as children of the God of love.

"Caste and birth are of no avail," said all who know the truth.
"Cast out caste and look at the light within", said Guru Nanak. God will not ask man of what race you are, but will ask him what have you done.

Religion of life is required, which would shine in the deeds, and lives of men. Religion should not be separated from life. Heart-knowledge is more than book-knowledge.

Guru Nanak gave out the substance of all life in a beautiful song;

I have turned my heart into a boat,
I have searched in every sea;
I have dwelt by rivers and streams;
I have bathed at places of pilgrimage;
I have eaten bitter and sweet;
I have seen the remotest regions.

And this I have learnt that he is the true man
Who loveth God and loveth man,
And serving all abideth in eternal love.

Standing at this milestone in time we must recall our past and maintain a regular diary from day to day of all our thoughts, words, and deeds, and see where we stand.

I wish you all to devote time to spiritual practices so that you make a commendable progress on the spiritual path and reach the goal before us.

Affectionately yours, Kirpal Singh


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