We are all lovers, devotees of a higher power, thousands of lovers, but the Beloved is one for all. He whom we desire is the beloved of the whole world and is the one God for all men, not specifically for Muslims only, or for Hindus only, or for Christians only.
          Sant Kirpal Singh

Birthday Message 1971

Message written by Sant Kirpal Singh, January 25, 1971

Sant Kirpal Singh

Dear Ones,

You are fortunate to have man-body which is highest in all creation.

Awake! O man, regain your Godhead before it is too late. Most of the time has been frittered away in other pursuits. Make the best use of the time left at your disposal.

On regaining your lost Godhead you will have right understanding that you are all one. This will result in right thoughts, which will follow in right speech and right actions.

You will thus bring the kingdom of God on earth.

Yours affectionately, Kirpal Singh


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