Spiritual knowledge is a regular science. Just as two and two make four, similarly everything is clean and obvious here also and there is no scope for any kind of modification or change in that.

Sant Kirpal Singh

VIDEO - Sant Kirpal Singh Death Anniversary

DEATH ANNIVERSARY - August 21, 1974

Dr Harbhajan Singh describes the painful time till the physical departure of Sant Kirpal Singh: "The date and the time of His departure were approaching so fast. All such things, if and when they come, are to be borne, to be absorbed within, and one has to yearn for the Beloved. Otherwise the essence of love is lost. That time was neither good nor bad. It was due to His wish and without the interference of anyone. For us, it was strange and is still strange. Now we bear the separation to meet Him forever. May we all get together only to live and do for Him. This is the shortest way to overcome this separation."

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