What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Naam: Divine link between man and his maker

From the book "Naam or Word", written by Sant Kirpal Singh


The Controlling Power of Naam has within its mighty grasp the endless series of universes. Human body too has been designed on the model of Cosmic Order. This micro­cosm made up of diverse elements likewise owes its integ­rity and organic unity to Naam. It is the indissoluble link between God and man. Just as a fish can ride a mighty wave, so a spirit can ride the Sound Current and reach the Sea of Sound or Naam. The Path of Sound Principle is known as a process of inversion. All other paths lead to extensionalism, with no way out of the panorama of life.

Whoever gets linked with Naam, he alone,
O Nanak, can realize the Immaculately Pure.


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