God cannot be known by the outgoing faculties, by the intellect or the vital airs called the pranas.
He can be known only by the soul: like alone can know the like. When is the soul liberated? When it is analysed from mind and the outgoing faculties.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Naam: The saving factor in all the four ages

From the book "Naam or Word", written by Sant Kirpal Singh


The path of the Naam is the most ancient and the most natural. It is in consonance with the divine law. In all the four ages, it has acted as a saving lifeline for the people. During the last five hundred years, saints like Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak and the other nine Sikh Gurus, Dadu Sahib, Paltu Sahib, Tulsi Sahib, Swami Shiv Dayal Singh, Baba Jaimal Singh and Baba Sawan Singh have been the great exponents of this path.

The Muslim divines have been practising and preaching the path of Kalma for fourteen hundred years or more. The Prophet Mohammed, Shamas Tabrez, Maulana Rumi, Hafiz Sahib, Moinuddin Chishti and others taught this very thing. Again, two thousand years ago, John the Baptist and Christ laid down the path of the Word or Logos. Zoroaster long before preached of Sraosha or the Sound Current in Persia. Lord Buddha, twenty-five hundred years ago, practised this very sadhna. The teachings of Gorakh Nath, long before Buddha, centred round this cardinal principle. Four thousand years back, we find that in Egypt it was known as the "path of Aton" which was preached by King Ikhnaton. In the Upanishads we find references to "Udgit" or the "Harmony" of the beyond. Lord Krishna, long before, was fully conversant with this science. In the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of the world, we read in Wak Devi Sukat of "Naad" or music and "Sruti" or that which is heard.

Kabir Sahib tells us that he came in all the four yugas, and every time he preached of Naam or Word. In each Yuga he was known differently as Sat Sukrat, Munindar, Karunamae and lastly as Kabir.

The Sikh scriptures testify in plain words that during the four grand divisions of time people benefited by the practice of Naam by sitting at the feet of saints:

In all the four ages, Naam occupied a predominant position and people meditated on the Shabd.
In this age,
Gurmukh (Guru-man) alone is saved.

Whosoever benefited, he did so through Naam,
ob­tained by the grace and the blessings of some Gur­mukh (Master-soul).

Naam alone has been the saving life line through the ages.



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