What can other people know of the condition of one’s heart? If the enigma of the mystery of life enters the heart, the person knows no peace until it has been solved.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Christmas and New Year Message 1974

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, January 1, 1974

­God ­made ­man ­and ­man ­made relig­ions. Relig­ions ­came ­into ­being ­after ­the Mas­ters ­left ­the phys­i­cal ves­ture so as to ­keep ­their teach­ings ­alive.

We ­are ­men ­first, ­then ­the var­i­ous ­labels ­that we ­bear on ­the ­body, ­viz., Hin­dus, ­Sikhs, Mus­lims, Chris­tians, Bud­dhists, ­Jains, ­etc. We ­can be ­truly ­called as ­such ­only ­when ­the prin­ci­ples of ­the ­God-­into-expres­sion Power, ­viz.; ­Light ­and ­Sound, ­become man­i­fest in us.

To be born in a temple is a blessing but not to rise above body consciousness (i.e., to know self and God) is sinful. While remaining in our respective faiths we must rise above them and should become followers of true faith, love God, and love all His creation. We can know God only in the man-body. Keep the body fit. If it passes away without achieving this aim, we lose a golden opportunity; for "What does it profit a man if he gains the possessions of the whole world and loses his own soul?"

Let man's physical body be in full blossom and his soul be full of glory, intoxicated with the ringing radiance of God, radiating love all around to the whole creation and wish, 'Peace be unto all the world over under Thy will, O Lord.'

O hid­den ­Sound, ­vibrant in ­every ­atom;
O hid­den ­Light, shin­ing in ­every crea­ture;
O hid­den ­Love, embrac­ing ­all, knit­ting in one­ness.

Kir­pal ­Singh





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