From a question and answer period held by Sant Kirpal Singh at Windsor Hall in Montreal, 24 October, 1972, following a question about translation.
I am sitting in front of you, French and others – that makes no difference at all to me. Whether we are German, French, anybody, we are in the manbody, citizens of the earth, exiled from God, from home. And we want to go back as soon as possible. So I am here; it is not France, it is only that you speak the French language, is it not? You belong to France and speak the French language here. That should remind you that your home is in France, mind that. You are friends of God, you see. You have come, exiled from God, and that speech you should speak. And what is that speech? You know? Love. Love one another. If you speak that language, use that language, you will all go back to God, to your home, that is the home of your Father … I have given you an example: as you speak French, that reminds you of France, does it not? Your home is in France. So we are exiled from our home here on earth.
There is a language spoken in the home of our Father; that language is love. Speak in love, take everything in love, weed out everything in love. That is the way back to God, and you will soon go back to your home. This is the way back for everybody. The only thing we have to remember is that this is not our home, that's all. Further: that this manbody is not given to us permanently, only temporarily. All who have taken up the manbody have left it, whether professors, poor men, kings, even Saints – all have left. And we have to leave. This is a golden opportunity put to us by God to find our way back home. Now we are in oblivion. We have forgotten our home.
There should be somebody who can guide us back home. Pray to God: "O God, send us some man who may take us back home." The first point is to realize that we are imprisoned in the manbody. To rise up above the physical body is the first step. Where world philosophies end, there true religion starts. Pray to God: "Send us suchlike men who can take us out of this prison house of the body and give us a start, with further ABC; who can be a guide both here and there, not leaving us until we reach home."
I am glad you have love for your France, your French language. I beseech you to have love for your home, the language of which is love. God is love. Love is innate in our soul, because we are of the same essence as that of God. And the way back to God is also through love, you follow me?
So speak in love, think of love, let all your affairs be saturated with love. You'll go back home. You'll have a happy life here and hereafter. This is the message I have to give to you who are very fond of the French language, and also to those who are fond of other languages. Instead of that, use the language of your home, and that is love.
Languages were made by man. Speak in any language you like, but speak of love. Hafiz says, "It is a matter of love. Speak in any language you know, but speak of love." No language is sacred, no language is not sacred. All are sacred in which you speak of love.