Q. Please explain why the enactment of the drama of life.
A. It is all an expression of the inexorable law of karma. Desire is the root-cause of all bondage and rebirths. Unless one becomes a Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan by complete self-surrender and annihilation of ego, the goal of spiritual perfection cannot be attained. Please refer to the Wheel of Life for exhaustive explanation.
Q. How much are our lives pre-ordained, and what part does ‘free will’ play after we become initiates?
A. Six things are pre-ordained or covered by fate-karma; viz. health and sickness, poverty and opulence, honour and ignominy. Strenuous effort, self-control and discipline do play an important role for our betterment with the Grace of the Master. Many dear ones with unhappy and checkered careers claim to have become saintly persons after holy initiation and faithful meditations on holy Naam. For elaborate discussion, reference is invited to Wheel of Life.
Q. What happens after death; do we enter another place to go through a period of birth and growth and groping until we find our Master again?
A. It is supposed that the question relates to the initiates of the living Master only, and as such, it should be understood in the light of what follows.
The dear ones who have been blessed with the sacred boon of holy initiation into the mysteries of the beyond, are all granted full protection by the gracious Master Power in the beyond. Most of their karmic debts are paid off as they had lived their normal fate karma. Smaller karmic debts are paid off even before leaving off the body and as such they are not reincarnated. If, however, there remain some overwhelming worldly desires, the initiated souls are granted human birth, but are placed in such congenial environments where they will have the chance of continuing their inner journey, by meeting the living Master working at the time. Spiritual growth and progress thus continues under His guidance.
Q. Why must our past lives be concealed from us?
A. It has a significance. The entire human life is a drama based on the inexorable law of karma which results in union and separation of the souls for the liquidation of their mutual give and take. If one is told about these karmic debts involved and the sons or daughters born to us are only our past debtors, the reason and sense of their breeding will be harmed. It is one of the chief functions of the negative power to conceal these truths from the humans for keeping the earth life agoing. You will be perhaps astonished to know that kal has obtained three main boons from the Almighty, as contained in Sar Bachan. These are:
1. Nobody will know of his or her past life;
2. Nobody should know about his or her exact time and date of death; and
3. The living Master should not grant holy initiation to the humans by showing miracles but simply hold Satsangs and if the dear ones come up of themselves and seek initiation, only then should they be initiated.
Q. Is it less fortunate karma to be born a woman, and is a woman’s potential for spiritual development in this life less than that of man?
A. It is not less fortunate karma to be born as a woman and there is not potential difference in regard to the spiritual development in this life between man and woman. The Masters do not attach any specific importance to the genders and consider all the humans as equal and see them from the soul-level. Women have rather more devoted to their spiritual growth, having an innate inclination to devotional dedication.
Q. If a Satsangi aids another person in difficulty, as to money or saving another’s life, does the Satsangi take on karmic burden of the one he aids?
A. The Satsangi’s rendering monetary help or physical assistance in saving life does not involve karmic burden. Such like noble actions should be undertaken in a sense of selflessness, which rids the dear one of the subtle ego which creeps in surreptitiously, and sows the seeds of future reaction. Since it is an embarrassing and baffling problem to find out whether such and such Satsangi is in dire need of help, physical or financial, the initiates should endeavour to donate to the Master, who knows best about its eventual dispensation and disposal. Saint Kabir cautions the sincere devotee that donations must be made selflessly and only through the Satguru who knows best as to how these are to be disposed of.
Q. If Satsangis exchange gifts, do one or both of them take on some karmic burden from each other?
A. The law of karma is immutable and inexorable. The exchange of gifts amongst the Satsangis will result in mutual balancing and adjustment. It should be understood carefully that the karmic binding lies in the fact that any gift is given or taken with the inner intention of doing so, whereas if the giver gives in as spirit of selflessness as a dedication to the Master Power, and the other receiving the same receives in a gratitude as a token of grace from the Master Power, both are relieved of the burden involved.
Q. Do I have a lot of bad karma to work off?
A. Every initiate has a lot of good and bad karma to be worked off during physical existence. The terminology of good or bad karma cannot be adequately justified, as both entail some debts requiring fair liquidation. Suffice it to note that the decrees of heaven are subject to no error and the Divine dispensation is invariably flavoured with mercy. The inner rare bliss from regular and devoted meditations changes the entire outlook of the initiate when he or she finds the gracious hand of the Master protecting him or her at every step. You should know it for certain that everything whatsoever that comes to your counting is definitely for your spiritual progress, and you should gladly withstand the trials and tribulations of this life, by reposing your hopes and aspirations at the feet of the gracious Master Power overhead.
Q. When metaphysicians heal, is this the power of God or kal?
A. Healing done by metaphysicians falls within the scope of negative power when the karmic debts involved are put off for the time being, and have to be repaid sometime with compound interest. The gracious God Power does not actually punish the souls but deals out justice tempered with mercy in accordance with our karma. The degrees of heaven are in no way subject to error and the Divine dispensation is invariably flavoured with Grace.
Q. Can the Power of God work in our lives in spite of bad karma?
A. The Divine Power of God continues working for our spiritual welfare irrespective of the response. It is rather the enlivening principle in human body which sustains and maintains the life, and as such works ceaselessly throughout the physical sojourn. What we term as ‘bad karma’ means lesser good and if one is granted the boon of holy initiation, there are ample chances of improvement.
Q. What are the teachings of the Masters regarding hell and purgatory?
A. The Masters do not contradict the scriptures which describe these places meant for the reformation of human souls in accordance with the law of karma.
Q. Can karma apply to nations as well as individuals?
A. Yes. The cumulative reaction of karmic debt of nations results in wars, epidemics, destruction by fire or floods etc. For exhaustive explanation, a reference is invited to the book Wheel of Life.
Q. On page 319 in ‘Spiritual Gems’ it is stated: "There is no racial karma.’ We have been taught there is both racial and national karma. Will you please explain this?
A. Karma, besides being individual vis-a-vis society of which he is a member, may as well be racial or national and in this sense may be called collective karma. Races, like individuals, have their own prides and prejudice, pride of colour as the whites generally have against what they call coloured people, and this prejudice of theirs they manifest in diverse ways: by raising all kinds of colour bars for denial of civic and social rights, political privileges and legal remedies, all of which in course of time redound upon the perpetrators of social indignities and inequalities causing unrest leading, and at times, to bloody racial wars. Again, some races boast of superiority of blood in their veins and on that score think that they form a privileged class by themselves favoured by God to rule over and exploit others; but, as is usual in such cases, they are sooner or later overtaken by nemesis – for they, that rule by the sword, very often perish by the sword.
In like manner, some nations when swayed by national interests, get embroiled in unfair trade competitions, build high tariff walls against other nations and at times even try to boost the sale of their unwanted products on the point of gun with the natural result of reprisals, embargoes and other retaliatory measures from those who suffer from their discriminatory acts and deeds.
Next come what are generally termed and commonly believed to be natural calamities, like floods, famines, earthquakes and epidemics etc. These too, like all other ills, are the result, more or less, of man’s ignorance of the laws of nature, his incapacity to foresee things and forestall measures necessary to eliminate the threatened disasters. With the progressive advancement in scientific knowledge and technological skill, man is gradually coming to his own, pressing the forces of nature more and more to the service of his kind, and making the most of the potential energy lying hidden and untapped. This is how the law of karma works silently and unnoticed but inexorably to the good or ill as the case may be. In this connection please refer to the book Wheel of Life.
Q. Is it necessary to pray that we can have a husband (spiritual) in this life or is this determined by karma or one’s fate?
A. Unions and separations are governed by the law of karma. Prayer is the last weapon of the spiritual aspirant and must not be over-used or overlooked. Please refer to the book Prayer – Its Nature and Technique.
Q. How does karma work on lower animals?
A. Lower animals or forms of creation are bound by their past karmic debt and they do not contract any more karma during their life span. They simply are born to undergo their karmic liquidation.
Q. Does God move us around like a chessman on a board or do we, with our free will, move ourselves?
A. It is our past karmic evolution which moves us around under His Divine will. We are bound within certain limits on account of past karma and free within certain limits. We can make the best use of free karmas to change our course to proceed on our spiritual way. For exhaustive explanation please refer to Wheel of Life.
Q. I have an ant hill in my garden which I wish to get rid of; is there any natural way, prayer or planting some seeds or flowers which would disperse them?
A. You should please not wish like that and let them live there. How would you appreciate the Divine Grace when you are blessed by Providence with a charming house to live in which is adorned with a beautiful garden and your act of removing them would be sheer cruelty to the dumb and mute. You will appreciate that here in India, the Hindus feed the ants with wheat flour which shows their deep compassion for their lower brethren. However for sanitary purposes you may please take remedial measures as advised by the health department of the government.
Q. We have been taught in our Satsang that all thoughts that enter the mind during meditation register on the astral and take the form of karma for us. Would you please comment on this?
A. The thoughts continue feeding the mind and register impressions in the chita – the sub-consciousness reservoir of the mind, and serve as seed karma to fructify at a later stage. However the thoughts entering the mind during meditations become more potent to bear fruit at the earliest opportunity, and as such are considered more violently harmful than those entering the mind in the normal wakening hours. It should be attributed to the inner concentration during meditations when the mind becomes comparatively more sharp and one-pointed. The listening to the holy Sound Current as coming from the right side with rapturous attention and absorption therein burns away these seeds of karmas and render them infructuous to bear fruit.
Q. What is the difference between individuality and personality and which one is involved in our karma?
A. There is no difference between individuality and personality so far as karma is involved. The Divine pen writes in accordance with our karma and does not make any difference for one or the other.
Q. If one practices the Sound Current, but does not go far or hear the higher Sounds, does the weight of karma become lighter?
A. Yes, the load of karmic debt gets lighter by listening to the holy Sound Current even if it is in its lowest links for it holds the keel of one’s barque steady on the stormy sea of life and saves it from running aground among shoals, sand-banks, and submerged rocks. But one must strive to catch higher Sounds for it is the latter that exert a powerful pull upon the soul by following which one is led to eventual liberation. These higher Sounds can, by loving devotion and practice, be easily differenciated and communed with by the Grace of the Master Power which is ever ready to extend all feasible help to the aspirants on the path.
Q. Please explain the law of sympathy and how it affects our karma?
A. The law of sympathy denotes our innate compassion for those who are suffering. It affects our karma to some extent, when we feel obliged to learn the good lesson of living a disciplined life. The sympathy by the mortals for others may be helpful to the extent of their own resources, but unless it is supported by genuine substantial help, it does not bring about any tangible result. The sympathy of the living Master for the suffering humanity is of supreme importance, as His benign impulse will result in the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and death. He expresses His sympathy by actually granting a conscious contact of holy Naam within for inner spiritual progress.
Q. Can a sinner like myself attain to God-hood in this very lifetime?
A. Yes, you can attain God-hood during this lifetime provided you work for it strictly according to the behests of the Master. Let His words abide in you and you abide in Him. You have been granted the sacred boon of the holy initiation which is a valid visa on to the Sach Khand and it is your earnest efforts and steadfastness which bless you with fruition of your wish in due course.